Friday, February 6, 2009

Nickw1979: put this hand in your blog hand

And I shall, after I apologize. I reread my post about the hand I was involved in with you and I came off as an arrogant dick, obviously because I am, but I didn't mean to pick on you personally and accuse your family of not loving you. Haha with that out of the way, time to share the hand because the guy deserves a free look after I acted like a jackass for no reason and he came across it.

Nickw1979 runs a 16/11/2.2 2.8 game

Full Tilt Poker Game #10477765500: Table Deoni (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:12:39 ET - 2009/02/06
Seat 1: sounlucky1960 ($21.35)
Seat 3: Nickw1979 ($72.75)
Seat 4: Toast1185 ($56.50)
Seat 5: I ARE FISH ($50)
Seat 6: THEBIGTUNAA ($50)
SHIPPOPOTAMUS posts the small blind of $0.25
Nickw1979 posts the big blind of $0.50
5 seconds left to act
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to SHIPPOPOTAMUS [9d 8c]
Toast1185 folds
I ARE FISH has 15 seconds left to act
I ARE FISH folds
sounlucky1960 folds
SHIPPOPOTAMUS raises to $1.50
Nickw1979 calls $1
*** FLOP *** [7s 9c Qs]

The flop doesn't hit his range very hard at all. AQ, KQ, QJ are probably his only top pair hands. He's aggressive enough to know when to bet when in position so I opted for the C/R.
Nickw1979 bets $2
SHIPPOPOTAMUS raises to $6.50
Nickw1979 calls $4.50
SHIPPOPOTAMUS throws up in his mouth a little bit

*** TURN *** [7s 9c Qs] [3s]

The turn is interesting card to use to turn my hand into a bluff. If he looked me up on the flop with a naked pair of 9s JJ, TT, 88, 66-22 there's probably no way he's going to continue on with his hand and he might even dump QJ here.

SHIPPOPOTAMUS has 15 seconds left to act
SHIPPOPOTAMUS bets $9.50 which is a terrrrrible amount.
Nickw1979 has 15 seconds left to act
Nickw1979 calls $9.50

The spade could have scared him off of raising 99, 77, AQ, or he just hit his combo draw. I do not think T8 is even in his range preflop, JT might be but I don't think he continues with it on the turn after the spade unless of course he has a spade.

*** RIVER *** [7s 9c Qs 3s] [Ac]
SHIPPOPOTAMUS has 15 seconds left to act
Nickw1979 has 15 seconds left to act
Nickw1979 bets $20

When a guy bets the river big who you've never seen bluffing, you fold quickly... as soon as you hollywood the timer for a couple moments.

SHIPPOPOTAMUS has 15 seconds left to act

I think his most likely hand is AQ. Followed by one of those combo spade draws. Followed by a set. If he threw out that 20 with JT, kudos.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pete,

    No offense taken on the 1979 comment and family.

    I did not have AQ or JT in that hand.
    If you want to ever talk poker or anything PM me on Cardrunners under nickw1979( I noticed you're a member) or hit me up on aim nickw1979 or skype Instapuke.

