Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sup getting shit on.

I'm on 2,500 hand streak where I'm getting shit on to a minor degree. I'm getting 3-bet like 25% of the time I raise, I've had KK vs AA 3 times every single one of them was 150bbs deep, I lost with AA 150bbs deep. I'm bricking every single flop and getting floated a shitload and then they call a second barrel on the turn after they hit one of their float cards, and then when I give up they take the showdown and show me 87o after a flop of of QQx and their pair of 8s is good vs my AJ.

Even when I am winning hands I'm running kind of terrible as the board is coming one action killer after another. Say, I have AA and get a caller preflop and the flop is Qd Jc 8d. They call a bet on the flop. The turn is always the Jd and then the river always puts a 4 straight on the board so I can't get any value at all.

It could be worse, I'm thankful that I have at least made a couple suckouts of my own, in all of the 80bb sized final pots...

I'm done 7 days of tallying together 200 points, only 18 days more to go before I can get one of those awesome iron chip things next to my name.

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