Monday, January 5, 2009

O8 hand read

3 tabled 9man $1/$2 O8 for a little while today and I misread a hand that caused me to get quartered.

I had an A246 with a suited A on the button. It was folded around to a guy who had shown down a bunch of middle cards in an earlier hand, so definitely not a great player, who raises in middle position. I flat, and the bb comes along.

The flop is 8c Jc 3d
So I have a great nut-low draw with al, making the low on the turn also always gives me a straight draw. It's checked to the villain who bets, I don't want to raise because I have nothing yet and I need to give the BB a chance to come along with a naked A2 or even better an A4. BB Folds

Turn is 5s
Villain bets into me again and now I raise because it accomplishes a couple things. First it gives him a chance to fold if he's got a weak high hand which could easily be with this guy, second I've got the nut low and tons of cards that improve my hand. Nothing wrong with this play, villain calls.

River is a Qd which doesn't help me at all but is also unlikely to have helped him unless he was playing some JT98 garbage. Villain checks to me, at this point I don't think that the villain has A2 in his hand, and probably has a weak low combination with some sort of missed flush draw. It's impossible for me to have him beat playing Ace high as a my high hand and I feel like if I can bluff him out enough to profit at least a little bit by scooping the pot. He snap calls and shows down A25x for his nut low and a pair of 5s for high, and I get quartered.

I think I played the hand well until the river. This guy was probably going to call with AA for the high and with just about any low hand he could have where he would also win the high half vs my futile in the hand.

My logic was correct, but my final hand left me with no outs for the high pot. In the future to make a bet on the river against a guy like this I need at least SOME pair so that when he calls with a shitty low I can scoop him if he calls and when he folds. Otherwise, I should have just checked behind this hand and saved myself $1.50.


  1. I think you made it easy for him to play his hand if he's loose and passive. How much fold equity do you have anywhere? Post it on stox and see what they think.

  2. More or less the hand is recognition that in O8, you need a backup plan. In this case I had no backup plan for high and shouldn't have bet river, rather taken my chop or quarter in this case.
